Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Wonderful Wednesday

It's Wednesday, the birds are singing, the sun is shining, and there is positive news about the real estate market. Now is a great time to buy for so many reasons. As you know many sellers have lowered their prices and interest rates are holding pretty low.

If you've been thinking about investing in a new home or land, what are you waiting for? I heard on the news yesterday that home sales have increased. People are starting to stick their toes back into real estate waters. I know everyone was scared and unsure of what to do with all the negative news stories about a declining market and value. I'm not saying that has not been true; however, you should remember that real estate is a local bird. What happens in one area of the country or state does not always mean the same is true in all areas.

Real Estate has been slow here at the beach but that's all changing. I am seeing more traffic (not vacationers so to speak, but people looking at property) and more people willing to think and talk about moving. What better time to dive in than when interest rates are low, sellers are willing to negotiate, and there is a good inventory.

If you have any questions or comments about real estate, I'd love to hear from you. Have a great Wednesday!

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